ADB.exe Cleaner by GSMYOGESH.COM

ADB and other system tools are regularly being targeted by malware and viruses in the digital age of today. We created the ADB.exe Cleaner by GSMYOGESH.COM as a solution to this problem. It is a useful program that checks and replaces possibly unsafe ADB files with safe ones, keeping your system safe.


What Is ADB.exe Cleaner?

ADB.exe Cleaner is a Python application that checks your computer for dangerous or susceptible versions of AdbWinApi.dll, AdbWinUsbApi.dll, and adb.exe. If the tool finds any dangers, it replaces these files with known, secure versions. Users who frequently use ADB in their work or development environments and wish to make sure their tools are secure and clean may find this to be extremely helpful.

ADB.exe Cleaner by GSMYOGESH.COM

Company Name


File Password:

No Need

File Size:

36.24 MB


ADB.exe Cleaner by GSMYOGESH.COM

  • Real-Time File Scanning:
    • The program scans all the drives on your computer for the three critical files (adb.exe, AdbWinApi.dll, AdbWinUsbApi.dll).
    • If any unsafe version is found, the tool replaces it with the safe versions bundled with the application.
  • Safe Version Replacement:
    • The program does not just detect dangerous files; it actively replaces them with safe versions from the same directory where the application is located.
  • Real-Time Progress Monitoring:
    • Users can see real-time progress on the scanning process via a progress bar and detailed logs displayed in a table format.
    • The scan updates continuously to show the file name, path, and status of each checked file.
  • Portable Executable:
    • This program can be packaged into a single portable .exe file using PyInstaller, allowing users to easily run it on any machine without needing Python installed.
  • Customizable Interface:
    • The GUI is built using PyQt6, and it features a modern, user-friendly design, with custom styles for a seamless experience.
  • Error Logging:
    • The tool logs any errors encountered during the scanning or file replacement process, making it easy to troubleshoot issues.

No changelog update it is first release

Developer Description

Officially develop the tool source by QCDMA.



How to install it?

How the Program Works:

  1. File Scanning:
    • The program scans all available drives (C: to Z:) for the specified files (adb.exe, AdbWinApi.dll, AdbWinUsbApi.dll).
    • It checks every directory recursively to find these files.
  2. File Replacement:
    • If any unsafe version of the files is found, the program attempts to replace it with the safe version of the file stored locally in the same directory as the executable.
  3. UI Feedback:
    • The user interface updates in real time, showing a list of the files scanned, their paths, and the status (Safe, Replaced, or Failed).
    • A progress bar helps users track the scanning process.
Yogesh Joshi

Yogesh Joshi

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