Magnet Axiom Free Version

magnet Axiom

Strong digital forensics software like Magnet Axiom is made to assist investigators in gathering, examining, and summarizing digital evidence from a variety of sources, such as computers, mobile devices, and cloud platforms. Because of its many features and easy-to-use interface, law enforcement agencies, businesses, and experts in digital forensics frequently select it.

magnet Axiom

ALSO – TFT Unlock Tool Offline Server (New)

Magnet Axiom

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4 GB


Magnet Axiom Free Version

Data acquisition: Gathers information from multiple platforms, such as cloud-based services, smartphones, and PCs.
accommodates logical and physical acquisition techniques.
Data analysis: Offers an extensive toolkit for examining electronic proof.
able to inspect network traffic, recover erased files, and extract metadata.
provides particular features for analyzing particular kinds of data, like cloud-based data or mobile phone forensics.
Digital artifacts are automatically processed and categorized by Artifact Processing, which facilitates the identification of pertinent evidence.
supports a large number of artifact types, such as call logs, application data, and browser history.
Reporting: Writes thorough reports that provide an overview of the inquiry’s conclusions.
able to export reports in HTML and PDF among other formats.
Collaboration: Enables several investigators to work on a case at once and share findings and evidence.

Category Details
New Artifacts – Eufy Cached Media (Android)
– Signal Groups (iOS)
– WeChat Accounts (Android)
– Samsung Rubin Commute Logs (Android)
– WhatsApp Calls (Android, iOS)
Updated Artifacts – Eufy (iOS): Enhanced user info recovery
– iOS Home Screen Items: Parsing updated for iOS 17+
– Facebook: Added DYD exports in HTML format
– Slack (iOS): New schema support
– Chrome, Edge, 360 Safe Browser, Opera (iOS): Improved cache parsing
Cloud Support – Facebook DYD exports in HTML format
– Facebook Private Timeline, Image Album, and More Text acquisition
– Google Chat Direct Messages and Spaces acquisition
Examining – Axiom Examine now remains open post-media categorization prompt
– MFT parsing now supports keyword searching
– Filesystem explorer optimized workflow
– Location data can be viewed via external sources like Google Maps
– Discord Warrant Return Process formatting improved
Bug Fixes – Fixed crashes during .zip file parsing and Android acquisition
– Resolved issues with Facebook .html previews, WhatsApp QR code acquisition, and iCloud Drive errors
– Security fix for OpenSSL vulnerability
– Multiple interface and artifact-related bug fixes

Developer Description

the developer is focused on: Examining digital evidence from mobile, cloud, computer, and vehicle sources, alongside third-party extractions all in one case file. Use powerful and intuitive analytical tools to automatically surface case-relevant evidence quickly



How to install it?

Remember the following instructions:

1. Follow the basic instructions to install the tool.

2. After installing, do not open the tool.

3. Patch the program by downloading the crack file from here.

4. Locate the installation location of the program.

5. Once located, move all crack files to that location.

6. Open the program.

Yogesh Joshi

Yogesh Joshi

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