DFT Pro Tool Using Xiaomi IMEI Repair

GCT Pack is run by GSM ASIF KHAN and sells many crack tools on their Facebook page and charges money. but in some security glitches, RAM Sevak is completely bypassing those protections and created a new loader that helps users to use the all tool that comes with the GCT pack now is publicly free, and any Windows user who uses this packed completely free.

Today I installed the DFT Pro v3.80 free of cost and repaired the IMEI of Xiaomi mobile in the video I have clearly shown the all steps and required files you can simply download and run the tool on your computer.

DFT Pro Tool Using Xiaomi IMEI Repair

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File Size:

228.21 MB


DFT Pro Tool Using Xiaomi IMEI Repair

  • DFT Tool install free
  • No need paid tool
  • using DFT tool repair imei xiaomi mobile
DFT Pro v3.80

Not available

Developer Description

Not available



How to install it?

  1. First, download the file from the link
  2. Extract all files and install dft pro tool first
  3. Next, open the GCT pack loader and run the DFT tool
  4. Next, enter the login information and hit the login
  5. for imei repair follow the video which I have given the link here:- https://youtu.be/cNJ5h3I75bw?si=iNUDc8vhtoh7qUqq
Yogesh Joshi

Yogesh Joshi

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